Serving the faithful of the Parishes and Missions of the Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach
Monthly Mind Mass
Come attend Our Monthly Mind Mass.
These Masses are held on second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the outdoor chapel.
We hold monthly Masses for those laid to rest during the previous month, all of the deceased at Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery, and all of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Our staff are praying for every family we serve.
May their Memories be eternal!
Please note: Our cemetery will be open for visitation on these days from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm.
The care with which we bury the dead expresses our faith in the victory over everlasting death, which Our Lord Jesus Christ has won in our human nature by His own Death and Resurrection.
– Christian Burial Guidelines –
Our Lady Queen of Peace offers many alternatives for cremation and full-body interment and memorialization in keeping with the sacred beliefs and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Options Include: Private Estates, Gravesites, Mausoleum Crypts and Cremation Niches, Monuments, Urns, Vaults, and many custom memorial options.
Memorialization in a Catholic cemetery

“As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.”
– Leonardo da Vinci –
It is our ministerial goal to guide you through what can be a confusing and difficult process. We work to provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind, by assisting you in careful and informed decision making and planning.
This goal is best achieved through pre-planning, rather than at the time of need when financial and practical decision-making may be overshadowed by the realities of grief and urgency.
Please contact our office at (561) 793-0711 and ask to speak with any of our Family Service Advisors.
Consecrated Grounds
The Sacred Grounds of our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery were Consecrated in 1974 by Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami. In 1984, This Cemetery became part of the new Diocese of Palm Beach.
Our team strives daily to maintain a peaceful and prayerful atmosphere as a visible symbol of our faith in Jesus Christ and our hope of resurrection.
“There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. A time to give birth, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.”
– Ecclesiastes 3 1: 2